Global Family Travels is grateful for the many partners we work with around the globe who work hand-in-hand with communities we visit and who help facilitate the service work during our travels – they are our expanded family. On the eve of Giving Tuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back, we would particularly like to highlight the good work of three non-profit partners we volunteer with in India, Nicaragua and Peru. Learn more about these organizations and the opportunity to support their work by volunteering on one of our trips:
Awamaki in Peru
The most powerful way to reduce poverty is giving women access to income. Awamaki helps women in Peru start and run their own businesses so we can do just that. They invest in their skills and leadership, and connect them to global markets for their small businesses.

Our Peru: Lean, Serve, Immerse trip in April of 2017 offers participants the opportunity to work side-by-side a rural Andean community and Awamaki staff to support women artisans and their local businesses, and to explore the culture in the Sacred Valley of Peru. This tour has an emphasis on learning about economic development and helping the local community improve their living conditions in Peru.
Learn more about Awamaki’s mission and donate to their cause.
FNE International in Nicaragua
FNE International partners with communities in developing nations to identify opportunities to advance housing, health and education. By Facilitating collaboration and Networking with local and international organizations, the organization strives to seize those opportunities and Empower individuals to do the same as engaged members of their community and the world.
We have the pleasure of working with FNEI in the village of Chacraseca, just outside of Leon, Nicaragua where they help build homes, stoves, and latrines for more than 35 deserving families, as well as provide library programs and scholarships for youth.
Travelers can partake in service work with FNEI in Nicaragua on two of Global Family Travels’ trips:
Learn more and donate to FNEI’s holiday campaign to support their good work!
The Siddhartha School Project in India
We have enjoyed several heart-filled visits to the Siddharta School, located in Stok, a quaint village nestled in Ladakh, India in the Himalayan foothills. A school that is very near and dear to Global Family Travels, the school is one-of-a-kind in its efforts to preserve and enhance the local Buddhist culture.
Founded in 1993 by the esteemed Buddhist abbot Khen Rinpoche Lobzang Tsetan, the Siddhartha School Project is a vital agent in moving a simple, peaceful culture into the 21st century with care and consideration for the ancient traditions of its people. What started in a one-room is now an exemplary private school with over 200 students in grades K through 10. Unique to Ladakh, this is the only private school in area that accepts students regardless of their ability to pay tuition and no child is denied admission to Siddhartha School on the basis of need.
Global Family Travels supports SSP during our Little Tibet (Ladakh, Northern India): Learn, Serve and Immerse trip, as well as on our Mystical Moments Spiritual trip.
Donate to help #OurSSP harness the power of this global day to help keep Siddhartha School open to all students, regardless of their economic means.
About Global Family Travels
Much more than a traditional tour operator, Global Family Travels’ mission is to “Learn, Serve and Immerse,” using travel as a means to build cultural bridges and to foster global citizens. In partnership with community-based tour operators and local non-profit organizations, Global Family Travels creates and offers service learning tours for families which include a unique mix of cultural and educational activities, homestays and participation in local service projects aimed at improving the lives of people in the communities we visit. Visit our website to learn more!