Transformational Travel
& Travel with HEART
Global Family Travels is honored to be a Travel Designer for the Transformational Travel Council. One of the many guiding principles of the TTC is to Travel with HEART, which means to be Humble, be Engaged, be Awake, be Resilient, be Thankful for to the opportunity to travel. Having Heart is to care about yourself, others, and the destination you visit, so that you’re not only positively impacting the community and environment you encounter when you travel, but simultaneously learning and growing.
If you are looking for a gift for your travel companions or loved, we recommend the Transformational Travel Journal. The journal is a guide to show us how to explore the world (and our backyard) more mindfully, reflect on experiences with a more meaningful perspective, connect with others more intimately, and thereby, foster a more intentional and purpose-driven life.
As expressed by Phil Cousineau, “If we prepare our imagination as carefully as we pack our bags, then we will experience, learn, remember far more.”