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Impact Travel Alliance is coming to Washington State!

Impact Travel Alliance is coming to Washington State, and Global Family Travels is excited to be playing a role in launching it! On Tuesday, March 27, we will help introduce Impact Travel for Greater Seattle and its mission to Greater Seattle community leaders, tourism officials and local non-profits. Through education, advocacy and community-building around sustainable tourism, this new chapter for our region will be one of over 20 Impact Travel Alliance chapters worldwide, helping to make a positive impact on our world through travel.

The travel industry in the U.S. economy creates jobs faster than other any sector, and in Washington State, tourism is the 4th largest industry with direct visitor spending at $21 billion in 2017, generating $1.8 billion in state and local tax revenue. The tourism sector in our Evergreen state supports 170,500 jobs in both urban and rural communities and is also the highest employer of women and minorities.

Following the launch event, Impact Travel of Greater Seattle will help strengthening Washington State Communities through Sustainable Tourism by forming community interest groups that unite Greater Seattle’s tourism industry (hotels, restaurants, shops, tour operators, etc.) and community leaders in support of local initiatives that strengthen communities through the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) of sustainable cities, quality education and decent job creation in Washington State.

The Impact Travel chapter's launch program on March 27 will include conversations with three panelists, moderated by Jackie Miller, President of the Seattle World Affairs Council, who will share how their respective organizations are using the 17 UNSDGs as a framework to tackle community and global challenges.

  • Katherine Cheng, Head of Global Corporate Citizenship & Community Relations, Expedia Inc.

  • Bradley Murg, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Science & Director of Global Development Studies School of Business, Government, and Economics, Seattle Pacific University.

  • Emilie McGlone, UN Liaison & Executive Director, Peace Boat US

The event will is co-hosted by the Seattle World Affairs Council, Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP (MNGD), Global Family Travels and Gear Shop LLC and held at Miller Nash Graham & Dunn's offices on Pier 70, 2801 Alaskan Way - Suite 300, Seattle, 98121 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Click here to register, for more information or to register for this event.

About Impact Travel for Greater Seattle

The Greater Seattle Impact Travel Alliance chapter’s mission is to provide education, advocacy and community-building around sustainable tourism, with the goal of strengthening our communities. We are inspired by the 17 Global Goals (UNSDGs) and committed to leveraging the potential of travel to help solve the world’s most pressing challenges. Founded in 2013 in New York City, the Impact Travel Alliance community is now made up of more than 15,000 travel professionals around the world.

Impact Travel for Greater Seattle would like to thank photographer and team member, Lisa Merrill of Merrill Images for the use of her Seattle images!

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