Downtown Seattle Urban Hikes
Ready to reconnect with downtown Seattle, learn something new and get some exercise at the same time? Global Family Travels has partnered with the Downtown Seattle Association to offer guided, family-friendly urban hikes and an urban bike adventure, from mid-July through the end of September.
These three urban adventures are provided by the Downtown Seattle Association as part of its “Welcome Back to Downtown campaign," and are free and open to the public. Attendance for each is limited and registration is required.
Waterfront Past and Future: An Ever-Evolving Shoreline
In partnership with the Downtown Seattle Association, the HistoryLink and the Friends of the Waterfront, we invite you to explore the history, communities and parks that make up Seattle's Waterfront, while learning some history along the way!
Who's Watching You in Downtown Seattle ?
In partnership with the Downtown Seattle Association, this complimentary, family-friendly urban hike, guided by historian and author, David B. Williams, leads you through the retail core and around Pike Place Market, where you will learn about the interesting history and architecture of the Central Business District by looking at the dozens of carved and molded animals gazing out from Seattle buildings. Along the way we’ll see a zoo’s worth of beast including lions, eagles, and walruses!
Pedaling through the Past: A Seattle Urban Bike Adventure
Explore Seattle's history on a guided bike adventure via the city's most protected bike lanes. Participants will learn about the rich architecture and history of some of Seattle's historic neighborhoods while pedaling with cycling guide and Seattle history enthusiast, James Grindle.
Looking for More?
Not sure how to book a tour, have more questions about theses urban hikes, or looking for something a bit more personalized? Contact us or explore more of our Seattle Community tours to Learn, Serve & Immerse!
COVID-19: With the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19), the health and safety of Global Family Travels’ travelers, community partners, colleagues and guides are of paramount importance to us, so please adhere to our guidelines for each experience.